20 Feb 2018

Full-Time Lowongan Kerja Anantarupa Studios

Anantarupa Studios – Diposting oleh Karir

NOTE: Daftar lowongan pekerjaan ini telah berakhir dan mungkin sudah tidak lagi relevan!

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

ANANTARUPA STUDIOS is a digital content developer for games and applications, for marketing purposes or our own IP projects, and create possibilities with new technologies such as AR & VR.

We explore creative ideas, build concepts, develop creative products and re-introduce culture in creative ways.

We are looking for talented crews who passionate in Game Developing, Art, and Technology.


1. Client Programmer
– Bachelor degree of Computer Science or equivalent
– Write a good, optimed, clean code
– Proficient in Unity and Android Development
– Strong in object oriented programming
– Proficient with Android SDK
– Proficient with third party libraries and APIs
– Have a published Android apps is a plus

2. Server Programmer
– Bachelor degree of Computer Science or equivalent
– Write a good, optimed, clean code
– Familiar with two programming language : C# and PHP
– Good understanding of client-server architecture
– Proficient with RDBMS (MySQL, PostgresSQL)
– Familiar with cloud services are plus points
– Have a deep knowledges with NoSQL databases are plus points

Cara Melamar

Silahkan login menggunakan akun alumni untuk melamar dan klik melamar online

Posisi Pekerjaan: Software Development. Tipe Pekerjaan: Full-Time.

1,374 kali dilihat, 1 hari ini

Dear Biemers,

Berikut cara melamar lowongan kerja:
Bagi alumni silahkan tap tombol "Melamar Online".
Bagi mahasiswa aktif silahkan melamar lowongan kerja full time ataupun magang melalui portal mahasiswa di bagian: News & Event > Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Harap mempersiapkan CV dan dokumen lainnya sebaik-baiknya.
Informasi lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi ACC di nomor whatsapp 081-1993-9090
Best Wishes & Good Luck

Apply online hanya untuk alumni UBM...